Federata e Padelit e Kosoves i njofton te gjithe per turneun e radhes i cili do te mbahet me 5 mars 2022 ne Suedi.

Per shkak te kerkesave te shumta pas turneut te pare te mbajtur ne Nentor te vitit te kaluar, Federata ka vendos qe kete pranvere te organizohen edhe dy turne tjere, njeri prej tyre ne qytetin e Stokholmit.

Te dy keta turne do te organizohen nga Federata e Padelit e Kosoves, ndersa arsyeja perse do te mbahen ne Suedi eshte se pjesa me e madhe e lojtareve qe do te marrin pjese jane nga ky vend.

Sic kemi paralajmruar permes postimeve te kaluara, federata jone synim e ka organizimin e turneut ne Prishtine, Kosove jo me larg se ne veren e ketij viti per arsye se projekti per ndertimin e fushave eshte ne proces e siper.

Me te mbaruar fushat e para te padelit ne vend, do te organizohet edhe nje turne ne te cilin do te mund te marrin pjese sportiste nga Kosova ashtu edhe nga Shqiperia.

Turneu i radhes do te mbahet ne qytetin Klippan te Suedise, me 5 mars 2022 (dite e shtune).

Turneu do te zhvillohet nga ora 12:00-18:00 ne Qendren e Padelit KLIPPAN (me pronar shqiptar).

Ne kete turne jane te mireseardhur te gjithe shqiptaret jo vetem nga Suedia, mirpo edhe nga vende te tjera, mirpo eshte me rendesi qe pjesemarrja e tyre te konfirmohet me heret per shkak te regjistrimit te lojtareve. (Ju lutemi te keni parasysh masat ne lidhje me virusin qe ka shteti suedez si dhe shtetet tuaja perkatese ne te cilat jetoni).

Sa i perket turneut te madh te Stokholmit, per momentin eshte konfirmuar qe do te zhvillohet ne muajin Prill, ndersa per vendin dhe daten do te njoftoheni permes federates.

Te gjithe te interesuarit, ju lutem na kontaktoni permes numrave te telefonit si me poshte, ose na shkruani ne faqen tone ne Facebook dhe ne Instagram.

Afati i fundit per regjistrim eshte me 25 Shkurt.

+383 45 462 111
+46 72-207 87 70

Jeni te mireseardhur!


Besim Shulemaja 🇸🇪
Jusuf Kika 🇽🇰


Dje eshte mbajtur turneu i pare i organizuar nga Federata e Padelit e Kosoves. Turneu u mbajt ne Halmstad te Suedise se bashku me komunitetin shqiptar.
Ne kete turne ishin pjesemarres 42 lojtare (femra dhe meshkuj).

Pjesemarrese femra ishin gjithsejt 8, ndersa fitore shenuan dyshja Kaltrina Rushiti & Arbnora Robeli.
Ndersa ne kategorine e meshkujve per shkak te numrit te madh te lojtareve si dhe nivelit te lojes, ishte ndare ne 3 kategori:
•Ne nivelin me te larte fitore shenuan dyshja Gezim Gashi & Flamur Ahmeti.
•Ne nivelin e dyte fituan Vildan Raskaj & Fidan Jashari.
•Ne nivelin e trete triumfuan dyshja Visar Rexha & Daan Kodra.
Te gjithe pjesemarresit pranuan nga nje mirenjohje nga Federata e Padelit e Kosoves si dhe shperblime te ndryshme.
Pas perfundimit te turneut ishte organizuar edhe nje darke per te gjithe te pranishmit, ndersa atmosfera ishte jashtezakonshme ne mes te gjithe grupit.

Falenderojme edhe sponzoret per perkrahjen e tyre ne organizimin e ketij turneu:

•STIGMA of Sweden
•10X Group Consulting
•Elgiganten Ängelholm
•Venezia 1984 Resturang
•Punch Restaurang & Bar
•Klippan Padel

Nje falenderim i vecante shkon edhe per fotografin Kushtrim Morina, i cili ka kapur keto momente te bukura gjate dites se djeshme.
Federata e Padelit e Kosoves te gjithe shqiptareve kudo qe jane shfrytezon rastin qe te ju uroj festen e 28 Nentorit.
Per Federaten e Padelit te Kosoves ky eshte vetem fillimi. Turne te tjere te organizuar ne Europe do te vijne se shpejti, ndersa turneu kryesor do te jete ai i vitit 2022 ne Prishtine.

Per me Shume informacione na ndiqni ne faqet tona ne Facebook si dhe ne Instagram (ndersa se shpejti do te lancohet edhe website zyrtar i federates me shume risi).
Falemnderit. Tack.


Sot patëm kënaqësinë të takoheshim me Presidentin e Komitetit Olimpik të Shqiperisë, z. Fidel Ylli, si dhe me Sekretarin e Përgjithshëm z. Gerti Shima.

Takimi ishte produktiv ku ndër të tjerash biseduam në lidhje me sportin më të ri të Padelit, ardhjen e tij në trojet shqiptare dhe bashkëpunimin në mes të dyja shteteve.

Faleminderit shumë për mikpritjen!

Vizite në Albanian Padel Group

Ishte me te vertete kenaqesi te vizitojme qendren e madhe te padelit ne Tirane (Albanian Padel Group) dhe me kete rast kryetari i Federates se Padelit te Kosoves, Besim Shulemaja zhvilloj nje ndeshje me legjenden e futbollit shqiptar, Lorik Cana.

Federates se Padelit te Shqiperise ju urojme gjithe te mirat dhe shume suksese ndersa shtetet tona se bashku do te zhvillojne dhe promovojne sportin e padelit ne nivel me te larte. Faleminderit per mikpritjen tuaj Alessandro Pallini dhe shihemi se shpejti!

Finally Padel Kosova is here!


The idea of bringing the sport of padel in Kosovo started as an idea between Besim Shulemaja (Chairman of Padel Kosova) and Jusuf Kika (Secretary General of Padel Kosova).

Besim lives in Sweden and is a successful businessman. He owns some companies and does a lot of sports. One of his favourite activites to do during the week is without a doubt the sport of padel. He plays it a lot and he had the idea about having the opportunity to bring this joy to his country, Kosovo.

Here in Kosovo the idea was welcomed by another sports athlete. Jusuf is a sports science student and also a UEFA Certified Football Coach.
Jusuf already heard about the new sport sensation of padel and immediately together both of them started the journey to bring padel in Kosovo.

Within not even a year, they established the Kosovo Padel Federation, created first padel clubs in the country, hosted one tournament and the 2nd is going to take place this spring. They promoted the sport of padel in the social media, TV and also by attending to the most prestigious Padel events around the world, such as World Padel Tour, Padel FIP, World Padel Championiship, etc.

On August 28th 2021, the Kosovo Padel Federation was created and on 2022 the first padel courts will be built around Prishtina and other

People welcomed the idea of a new sport and they already love it without even playing it. No wonder they will be addicted to this sport.

Padel: The Most Social Sport

Padel is a great social sport that lets you meet and interact with new people in a short span of time.
No wonder it is a sport that has become a social phenomenon.

This is so because learning the game is very easy and most players tend to grasp it within the first 20 minutes of play.
While you stretch your muscles, there’s also a lot of fun and thrill for you in the process.

This “social component” stands out among the many attractions that draw health-conscious and even athletic people to Padel.
It provides a fun and relaxing mood to the player. We all know the feeling of wellness we experience when we are being able to play sports and commit ourselves to do it regularly.

Other people in the modern world say they could not live without a mobile phone, but many in Europe and Latin American today express that they could do without a mobile phone but not without Padel! All because Padel enables people to not only develop their physical dexterity, but also enhances and improves their social communication skills.

As a team sport, Padel makes people hone values like overcoming desolation, team building, comradeship, and achieving personal maturity. It improves self-control and concern for others. The compact size of the court makes player conversations an integral component of the game.

Padel is great for players of all ages and skills because it is both easy to pick up and is less physically demanding than similar sports like squash or tennis. Most players get the grasp of it within the first 20 minutes of playing and achieving a higher level of proficiency is so easy. The reason is that the game is not really about brute strength and technique. Unlike in Tennis, Padel players are allowed only one style of serve which is delivered underhand.

At present, there are an estimated 20 million people in 30 countries across 5 continents that play Padel.
The figure is growing as more and more people discover how easy it is to master the game and how much fun it can be!